Why should I pay for mymind?
We don’t run ads. We don’t sell your data and we don’t track your every move.
Our private platform is 100% supported by our generous members. We’re serious.
Features built for Designers, Writers, Marketers, Researchers, Developers & those in the creative field.
Advanced AI
Our most advanced AI system upgrades your mind with expanded tagging and search capabilities.

Custom iOS icons
Mastermind members unlock all custom mymind app icons. Choose the icon that best fits your personality.

AI summaries
Save an image, article or website and mymind will analyze the subject matter and give you a brief summary.

Intelligent Bookmarks
Your mind automatically organizes and visualizes everything you save in the most beautiful and useful way possible.

PDF Analysis
mymind automatically analyzes PDFs you save, adds AI tags and provides an indexed summary of their contents.

Unlimited cards
No card limits on our paid plans. The more you save to your mind, the more useful and beautiful it becomes.

Reading Mode
Read entire articles and recipes inside your mind, without ads and other clutter distracting you.

Article backup
Any articles you save to your mind with Reading Mode are stored in their entirety – even if the original source is deleted.

AI image tagging
mymind automatically tags every image you save, making it easy to find again later with a simple search.

Same Vibe
Reveal connections inside your mind. Same Vibe analyzes an image and finds others you’ve saved with a similar mood.

Image text recognition
Search any word appearing within an image to find it. Your mind can read memes, screenshots, even handwriting.

Smart Spaces
Collections, without the effort. Your new mind can automatically group your saves around a specific search, theme or tag.

Advanced Image Search
Search any object, color, detail, theme, style or text appearing within an image to find it later in your mind.

Capture ideas & notes
Like a sticky note always within reach. Save ideas and todos with a Quick Note, or go into Focus Mode for longer drafts.

Video support
Save all your favorite GIFs and videos in one place. Mastermind members can upload 4k video files up to 500mb each.

Text Clippings
Highlight and right click to save a passage or quote from articles and emails you’re reading.

For your eyes only
Everything you save to your mind is for your eyes only. No ads, hovering cursors, no pressure or distractions.

A dreamlike way to spark ideas, reinforce memories and center your mind. Keep a card to save it, Forget it to delete it.

Companion apps
Use the app on iOS or Android in tandem with the browser or MacOS version. Your content syncs immediately.

Night mode
Switch between dark and light mode on desktop. On mobile, the apps follow your system display settings.

Proudly Indie
We’re a small, independent team with zero outside funding. Your membership keeps mymind going.

And many more features
mymind is private and secure
You’re supporting an independent business
- Unlimited cards
- Intelligent bookmarks
- AI Image Tagging
- Image Text Recognition
- Serendipity
- Smart Spaces
- 100% private
- Unlimited cards
- Intelligent bookmarks
- AI Image Tagging
- Image Text Recognition
- Serendipity
- Smart Spaces
- Reading Mode
- Article Backup
- Video Support
- Extra Karma