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What kind of
mind are you?

Student of Life

$69/year $83.88/year
  • Unlimited cards
  • Intelligent bookmarks mymind automatically categorizes your articles, products & other bookmarks in the most beautiful, visual way possible.
  • AI Image Tagging mymind automatically tags every image you save, making it easy to find again later with a simple search.
  • Image Text Recognition Your mind can read screenshots, memes & other images with text. Search any word appearing within the image to find it instantly.
  • Smart Spaces Your mind can automatically group related saves without you needing to organize or manage anything yourself.
  • Serendipity A playful & visual way to reinforce your memory and keep your mind clear. Keep things you want to remember, forget those you don’t.
  • 100% private Nobody can see what you save to your mind. We don't track your data and will never sell it.


$129/year $155.88/year
  • Everything in Student
  • Advanced AI Your new mind will run on our most advanced AI system, with upgraded tagging and search.
  • Reading Mode Read entire articles right inside your mind, without ads and distractions. Works for recipes, too!
  • Article Backup Any articles you save to your mind are stored in their entirety – even if the original source is deleted.
  • Video support Upload video files straight to your mind, up to 500mb in size.
  • Same Vibe A mood board magically made for you. mymind analyzes an image and collects others you’ve saved with a similar look & feel.
  • AI Summaries mymind reads articles and other web pages you save and provides a short paragraph summary of its contents.
  • Custom iOS icons Mastermind members get access to a beautiful pack of custom icons. Choose one that best fits your mind and personality.
  • PDF Analyzer Your new mind automatically analyzes PDFs you save, adds AI tags and provides a paragraph summary of their contents.
  • 100% private Nobody can see what you save to your mind. We don't track your data and will never sell it. 


  • This powerhouse plan is not yet available but we are working on it.
or maybe you want to start simple?
The Bookmarker


No card limit. This basic plan is for those who want to save their bookmarks in a simple, visual way.

No fancy AI features, but a useful and beautiful bookmark tool.

Why should I pay for mymind?

We don’t run ads. We don’t sell your data and we don’t track your every move.

Our private platform is 100% supported by our generous members. We’re serious.

Features built for Designers, Writers, Marketers, Researchers, Developers & those in the creative field.

All Plans

Capture your ideas & notes

Never send yourself an email or Slack message again. Capture all your ideas and notes where they belong, in your mind.

All Plans

Intelligent Bookmarks

mymind automatically categorizes articles, products and other bookmarks you save in the most beautiful, visual way possible.

All Plans

AI Image Tagging

The AI behind mymind automatically tags every image you save – it usually even knows the content, brand or creator of the image.

All Plans

Smart Spaces

Collections, without the effort. mymind can automatically group related saves without you organizing or managing anything.

All Plans

Text Clippings

With the browser extension or mobile app, you can save highlights or text clippings from your articles or newsletters, as you read them.

All Plans

Image Text Recognition

mymind can read your screenshots, memes and other images. Search for a word within the image and your mind will find it for you.

All Plans

Advanced Image Search

Search for colors, objects, shapes, brands or even moods. Your new mind analyzes your images and helps you find them again.


Same Vibe

Imagine a mood board magically made for you. mymind analyzes an image and collects others you’ve saved with a similar look & feel.


Smart AI Summaries

Save a website, article, image or PDF to your mind and it will automatically analyze and summarize it for you.


Reading Mode

Read entire articles right inside your mind, without ads and distractions. mymind gives you a clean view. Mastermind members only.

All Plans

Article backup

Any articles you save with Reading Mode are stored in their entirety – even if the original source is deleted.

All Plans


A playful, visual way to reinforce your memory and keep your mind clear. Keep things you want to remember, forget those you don’t.


PDF Analyzer

Your new mind automatically analyzes PDFs you save, adds AI tags and provides a paragraph summary of their contents.

100% private

Nobody can see what you save to your mind. We don't track your data and will never sell it. We promise.

All Plans

Night Mode

Night Mode is a little extra we throw in with every plan. For the night-owls, darker minds and cool kids. Supported on mobile, too.

And many more features

mymind is private and secure

You’re supporting an independent business

  • Unlimited cards
  • Intelligent bookmarks
  • AI Image Tagging
  • Image Text Recognition
  • Serendipity
  • Smart Spaces
  • 100% private
  • Unlimited cards
  • Intelligent bookmarks
  • AI Image Tagging
  • Image Text Recognition
  • Serendipity
  • Smart Spaces
  • Reading Mode
  • Article Backup
  • Video Support
  • Extra Karma